5901 Pacific Ave, Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260 ContactUs@Crestcommunitychurch.com (609) 522-1618

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1/28/24 Sermon Parable of the sheep and the goat

2/4/24 Sermon Come to the table
2/11/24 Sermon the Christ in Us
2/18/24 Sermon the key of David, Jesus the door
3/3/24 Semon Moses search and seek, only the heart of God
3/10/24 Sermon * Spiritual Warfare
3/17/24 Sermon King David
3/24/24 Sermon
3/31/24 Sermon Galatians 1
4/7/24 Sermon Galatians 2
4/28/24 Sermon Galatians 3
5/12/24 Sermon
5/19/24 Sermon